- Tracking: GSDCA-WDA Judge Joe Tackett
- Obedience: GSDCA-WDA Judge Mike West
- Protection: SV Judge Heiko Grube
Click on Judge's name for Biographies and Photos
Click on Judge's name for Biographies and Photos
Grand Hotel & Conference Center Peoria, Illinois 4400 N. Brandywine Dr. · Peoria, IL 61614
Tel: 1-309-686 8000 · Fax: 1-309-682 8237
Rate: $84.00 plus $5 pet fee / plus tax per room per night
State you are with "WDA" to get this rate
Click Here for More Details
302 Cordis Avenue - Princeville, IL 61559
Click Here for map
Click Here for Directions from Host Hotel
John Henkel - Click Here to Contact him
Click Here for details
FINAL DEADLINE FOR ENTRY IS APRIL 27, 2010 ($25.00 discount for early entries)
DISCOUNT DEADLINE FOR ENTRY IS APRIL 16, 2010 ($25.00 discount for early entries)
The entry deadline has been extended to May 3 at 12:00 pm (NOON)
Greater Peoria Regional Airport -
This is a small airport so please confirm that your flight can accomodate your
Chicago O'Hare Int'l Airport
Lambert-St Louis Int'l Airport
Click Here for Directions from Airports
Copyright (c) 2010 GSDCA-WDA All rights reserved. Based on a template by Free CSS Templates as edited by WynsumGsd
It is understood that every dog at this event will at all times be in the care and control of the dog's owner or handler. It is further understood that the undersigned agrees to be fully responsible for the actions of his/her dog(s) while on the event grounds. I agree to hold HARMLESS the event-giving club, the German Shepherd Dog Club of America, Inc., the German Shepherd Dog Club of America-Working Dog Association, Inc. as well as their members and officers and directors and all owners of property on which the event is being held for the loss or injury which may have been caused directly or indirectly to any person or myself, including death, or property, including my property, by any act of a dog while in my care, while on the event premises. I hereby assume all responsibility and liability for such claims. I further relinquish and waive all claims and agree to hold HARMLESS the event-giving club, the German Shepherd dog Club of America, Inc., the German Shepherd Dog Club of America-Working Dog Association, Inc., their members, officers and directors and all owners of property upon which the event is being held for loss to property, including my property and/or injury to any person or myself, including death, which may have been caused directly or indirectly to myself or a dog while in my care during participation in this event.